SRA Committees

Awards Committee: To oversee the administration of the Society's annual awards and recognitions and assist individual award subcommittees.

  • Early Career & John P. Hill Memorial Award: Tasked with encouraging submissions and reviewing nominations for SRA Early Career Research Award and John P. Hill Memorial Award. The John P. Hill Memorial Award recognizes an individual who's overall program of work has had a significant impact on our understanding of development and behavior during the second decade of their lifespan.
  • Outstanding Mentor Award: Tasked with encouraging submissions and reviewing nominations for SRA Outstanding Mentor Award.
  • Mid-Career Research Award: Tasked with encouraging submissions and reviewing nominations for SRA Mid-Career Research Award for Excellence.
  • Organizational Award: The Organizational Award for Excellence in Research & Programming for Youth honors an organization that has contributed significantly to enhancing scientific research and application of that research to promote development of young people from diverse backgrounds and in diverse settings. It is awarded in recognition that organizations play a vital role in advancing science and science-based programs and policies that serve young people. Foundations, university-based centers that focus on research and policies relevant to youth, and youth-serving community organizations, among others, are eligible for this award

Emerging Scholars Committee: To provide representation and develop programming to address needs of students, postdoctoral students, and new professional scholars in SRA.

Finance Committee: To provide financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the Society's budget. Their sole responsibility is to ensure the organization is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services to the membership and professional community SRA serves. (Not currently seeking volunteers)

Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice (IESJ) Committee: To suggest strategies to increase the representation, inclusion, and professional development of individuals from underrepresented groups in the membership of the society, and to increase the representation and inclusion of research focused on underrepresented populations in the biennial program and publications.

Interdisciplinary Committee: To gather new information regarding possible strategies for enhancing efforts to further interdisciplinary research, collaboration, and representation within the organization and within the field of research related to adolescence

International/Global Engagement CommitteeTo Promote research on adolescent development in different countries, encourage and facilitate participation in SRA by scholars form all nations, and advise the SRA Board of Directors on issues related to international membership, collaboration with international organizations, and how the Society can promote international research on adolescence. To help support the International Young Scholars Program.

Media & Communication Committee: To be responsible for developing, updating and monitoring the Society's communications policies, social networking accounts, and electronic discussion groups, as well as recommending new ways for SRA to communicate with its members and other interested parties across its platforms and through alternative media.

Membership Committee: To identifying member needs; recommend the development of services to meet member needs; conduct member surveys; promote an understanding of organizational needs; increase membership through recruitment; and keep current members updated on relevant events and information.

Mid-Career Scholars CommitteeTo select and provide professional development, support, and mentoring to a cohort of mid-career scholars in continued development of their research program (not currently seeking volunteers).

Program Committee: To develop quality content and events for the benefit of the Society's members, with a focus on the Biennial Meeting.

Publications Committee: To be responsible for the quality of SRA publications and provide direction to and review of the Society's print and electronic publications, including journals, books, news, educational and all other publications.

Social Policy Committee: To create opportunities for training and education to enhance knowledge of the policy process, building effective policy partnerships, and methods related to policy-relevant science; establish SRA as a partner with other scientific professional societies or groups working on policy activities; ensure that the empirical knowledge base of adolescent development is used to inform timely policy debates

Undergraduate Scholars Program (USP) Committee: Designed to encourage and support junior and senior undergraduate students from ethnic minority groups from North America to pursue graduate work and careers in adolescent development (not currently seeking volunteers).

International Young Scholars Program (IYSP) CommitteeTo facilitate collegial scholarly interaction among international young scholars and leaders in the field of adolescent research by pairing each international young scholar with a mentor providing travel awards and complimentary registration to the annual meeting (not currently seeking volunteers).

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